Prayer for getting a job

Prayer for getting a job

Prayer for getting a job ─ Getting a well-paying job is not easy. Often, having enough experience and education...
Prayer for winning the lottery

Prayer for winning the lottery

Prayer for winning the lottery - To win at the game, you have to be lucky.Prayer for winning the lottery - To win at the game, you have....
Why faith is a look that can be seen from afar

Why is faith a look that can be seen from afar?

Our relationship with the religious is first of all the word. It is above all hearing a voice that comes from somewhere else, it is believing in the invisible. Our temples say and show, where often nothing catches the eye, even if this means trivializing the space without fear of ugliness. 
Depression App

Depression App

The Depression App was created to treat depression.It is important to know that no traditional psychological therapy can replace...
App Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure App

The Blood Pressure App makes it possible to take care of your health. Almost half of American adults suffer from hypertension, and in Brazil it is one in three people who suffer from the problem.