Have access to applications of the Hindu religion is essential for anyone who wants to understand more about the culture as well. Before we start getting all the information about Hinduism, it is very helpful to check the reality that Hinduism differs too much from the common concepts of religion, and therefore asks for a modified and complete paradigm thinking regarding what one is looking for in a religion.

Without this preparation, the individual will be confused and overwhelmed by the sheer versatility of Hindu concepts. Many remain confused while trying to compare Hinduism with other religious concepts, such as Christianity or even Islam. While most religions are limited to one definition, Hinduism is not. Understand, below, from the applications of the Hindu religion.
4 Hindu Religion apps to download right now
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are the main deities, but there are several other gods. Hindus are polytheists, that is, they believe in several gods that are the different facets of a single entity, the Brahman.

- Brahma: creator of the whole world. He must be stable, so he has four heads, to see all and know all.
- Vishnu: immense deity, who protects.
- Shiva: divinity of movement. He is there to transform, to destroy to rebuild.
- Ganesha: Ganesha is the god protector of children and of the passages to happiness: exams, marriage. He is easily recognized by his elephant head. In India, each village may have a god who protects it, according to its needs. But all these gods and goddesses are images of the same divinity, of a single great power: Brahman.
To learn more about the gods and concepts of the Hindu religion, check out the following apps.
1. App Hinduism
From the Hinduism App, you will learn that Hinduism is the oldest and most active among all religious concepts that have a large number of followers. There is no set date for the birth of this religion, and even in the future it is not entirely possible that it can be displayed clearly, considering the fact that this discipline is found in the very existence of the first period with modern historical factor analysis. In this time of great maturity, this religion has contributed much to mankind and its evolution.
2. Indian Gods
From the Indian Gods app, users can learn more about Hindu gods and expand their source of information about all the countless gods of India's religion.
3. Hinduism Today
Hinduism Today is the leading news source for the world's oldest living faith. Get in-depth stories on Hinduism's major institutions, leaders and Hindu issues. Check out the app's key features:
- Quick access to articles in a mobile view without pinching and zooming in on an image.
- The page view shows the same stunning visual graphics you find in the quarterly print edition of Hinduism Today, especially beautiful on tablets or desktop.
- Single or dual page views in portrait and landscape. Zoom in for sharp, easy-to-read text and high-quality graphics
- Simple navigation and summary of the articles in each issue
- Social media sharing of magazine issues and articles
- Links to the Hinduism Today website, including archived editions not available in the application
- Links to explore the vast media resources available on Hindu websites.
4. The concepts of Hinduism
Hinduism does not create God, but discovers him. Nor does it stop at the confusing and unadvancing edge of man, but gets divine aspects backed up by facts.This makes its results more logical and realistic, and even the descriptions of superhumans can be experienced, if not explained. This is what you will understand from the Hindu religion app The Concepts of Hinduism.
To ensure the smooth functioning of society, there is also, from Hinduism on, a set of practices, truths, teachings. The principle of dharma is "do not make others suffer". There is a caste system in India and various categories of individuals coexist. If the system is abolished from the point of view of law, the different castes do not mix. There are five castes: priests or Brahmins, warriors, merchants, serfs, and outcasts or untouchables. Each dealing with a well-defined area. All this is available in the Hindu religion app, The Concepts of Hinduism.

My name is Maria. I am passionate about theology and I have been writing about the religious world for 5 years. I am curious and research everything about the religions around the world. I love researching the curiosities that guide the most varied doctrines in different countries and languages. Today, I am an editor and love to share my knowledge on the portal Prayer and Faith.