Jesus Christ, a central figure in Christianity, is known for his compassion, love and humanity. The Bible portrays various aspects of his earthly life, including his teachings, miracles and interactions with the people around him.
Among these accounts, there are times when Jesus is described as having wept. But how many times exactly does the Bible mention that Jesus shed tears? See below.
The Meaning of Jesus' Tears
Jesus' tears reveal his humanity and empathy for those who suffer. They not only demonstrate his genuine connection with human emotions, but also reflect his deep love for people and his understanding of the pains and tribulations of earthly life.
Although the Bible doesn't explicitly record the total number of times Jesus wept, it does relate several incidents in which he was seen weeping. Let's examine some of these significant moments:
Jesus wept for Lazarus
One of the best-known accounts of Jesus' tears is found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verses 32 to 35. In this passage, Jesus arrives at the tomb of Lazarus, a dear friend who had died, and is deeply touched by the grief of his loved ones.

Seeing Mary, Lazarus' sister, weeping, and witnessing the suffering of those around him, Jesus is described as "troubled in spirit and greatly distressed". He then asks to be taken to the tomb and, in front of the crowd, sheds tears. This moving moment demonstrates Jesus' empathy and his sensitivity to the deepest human emotions.
Jesus wept for Jerusalem
Another remarkable episode is recorded in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 19, verses 41 to 44. Here, Jesus approaches Jerusalem and, on seeing the city, weeps over it, prophesying the destruction that was to come. He laments, saying: "If you only understood this day, even you, what peace could bring you! But now it is hidden from your eyes".
These tears reveal not only Jesus' sadness at the impending tragedy that awaited Jerusalem, but also his compassion and burning desire for the peace and salvation of those who lived there.
Jesus wept in the Garden of Gethsemane
In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26, verse 36 and following, a moving moment in Jesus' life is described, in the garden of Gethsemane, before his arrest and crucifixion. Here, Jesus experiences deep anguish and spiritual agony, facing the crushing weight of what was to come.
He asks his disciples to accompany him and watch with him, but they fall asleep. Jesus, in his solitude, gives himself over to fervent prayer, sweating drops of blood, in the midst of an intense internal struggle.
Although there is no explicit mention of tears in this account, Jesus' anguish and emotional distress are evident, revealing his humanity and his willingness to face the ultimate sacrifice out of love for humanity.
Although the Bible doesn't give an exact number of times Jesus wept, the accounts of his moments of tears highlight his compassion, empathy and sensitivity to human pain.
These episodes reveal an important aspect of his divine and human nature, showing that he not only shared the joys and hopes of his followers, but also shared their sorrows and pain.
So every time the Bible records Jesus weeping, it reminds us of his deep identification with the human condition and his willingness to bear our burdens and offer us consolation and hope.
His tears not only testify to his humanity, but also invite us to come to him in our times of need, knowing that he is capable of understanding and comforting us in all our tribulations.
See also: Praying can change everything; understand the reasons why
April 18th, 2024
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.