Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the most popular in the Catholic world, especially among those seeking healing for illnesses and spiritual empowerment. Its name is directly linked to the apparitions in Lourdes, France, where a young girl called Bernadette Soubirous witnessed the presence of the Virgin Mary and received messages that turned the place into one of the largest pilgrimage centers in the world.

Faith in Our Lady of Lourdes transcends borders and cultures, attracting millions of devotees who believe in her power of intercession, especially when it comes to health. Let's learn about the history of the apparitions, the miracles attributed to her, the importance of the Shrine of Lourdes and how this devotion continues to impact the lives of thousands of believers.

Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes

What made Our Lady of Lourdes so well known was the 18 appearances that occurred between February 11 and July 16, 1858in the city of Lourdes, in the south of France. The visions were witnessed by Bernadette Soubirousa young peasant girl of only 14 years old who came from a poor and uneducated family.

First apparition (February 11, 1858)

On the day February 11thBernadette went to the Massabielle cave to collect firewood with her sister and a friend. While she was looking for dry branches, she felt a strong wind, but no trees were moving. Looking up, she saw a young woman in white robes, a blue veil and a golden sashwho was holding a rosary in his hands.

The girl was paralyzed in front of the figure, who just smiled at her. Without understanding what was happening, Bernadette made the sign of the cross and began to pray the rosary. The apparition prayed with her, but without saying a word. After a while, it disappeared.

Bernadette told her family, but many didn't believe her. Despite this, she returned to the grotto and saw the lady again.

Our Lady's messages

Throughout the apparitions, Our Lady gave Bernadette a number of messages. Among them, the most important requests were:

  • Repentance and prayerOur Lady asked people to repent of their sins and pray for the conversion of sinners.
  • Building a chapelThe Virgin requested that a church be built on the site of the apparitions.
  • Miracle waterIn one of the visions, he asked Bernadette to dig up the floor of the cave. A spring of water appeared which is still considered miraculous today.

It was only in 16th appearanceon March 25th, 1858The lady revealed her identity, saying: "I am the Immaculate Conception". This title had been declared Church dogma a few years earlier, in 1854by Pope Pius IX.

The miraculous fountain

During the apparitions, Our Lady showed Bernadette a place where she should dig. After digging a little, a spring of water appeared. At first, the water was muddy, but it soon became crystal clear.

Since then, thousands of people report inexplicable healings after drinking or bathing in this water. The Catholic Church has officially recognized 70 miracles through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The Sanctuary of Lourdes and miracles

After the apparitions, Lourdes became one of the largest Catholic pilgrimage centers in the world. The city receives more than 6 million faithful every yearThey also visit the grotto, take part in the processions and seek the waters of the miraculous spring.

On the site, the Shrine of Our Lady of LourdesIt is made up of several churches, chapels and places of prayer.

The fame of miracles attracts thousands of sick people in search of a cure. A Lourdes swimming poolwhere pilgrims bathe in the water of the fountain, is one of the most visited spots.

Miracles recognized by the Church

The Catholic Church carefully examines reports of miracles before officially recognizing them. O Lourdes Medical Bureau was created to investigate the unexplained healings that take place at the shrine.

For a miracle to be recognized, it needs to meet certain criteria:

  • There can be no scientific explanation
  • It must be immediate and complete
  • The cure must be permanent

Among the miracles recognized, one of the most impressive was that of Marie-Bernard MoreauShe was suffering from a serious bone disease. After bathing in the water of Lourdes, she was completely cured.

Our Lady of Lourdes and intercession for the sick

Since the apparitions, Our Lady of Lourdes has become known as the intercessor for the sick. Many people facing illness turn to her for comfort, faith and healing.

A Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes is made by thousands of believers every day. One of the best-known passages reads:

"O most pure Virgin, pray for us and for all the sick who come to you. Grant us health of body and soul. Amen."

In addition to individual prayers, many devotees make pilgrimages to Lourdes or organize novenas asking for the Saint's intercession.

Our Lady of Lourdes Day

The Our Lady of Lourdes is celebrated on February 11th, the date of the first apparition. This day was also instituted by Pope John Paul II as the World Day of the SickA special moment of prayer for all those suffering from illness.

In many churches around the world, masses and processions are held in honor of the saint, bringing together the faithful who give thanks for graces received or ask for healing and protection.

Bernadette Soubirous's relationship with the saint

After the apparitions, Bernadette decided to follow religious life and entered a convent. She never wanted fame or recognition, and always repeated that her mission was only to pass on Our Lady's message.

She passed away in 1879at the age of 35, and was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1933. His body remains preserved to this day, with no signs of decomposition, something that the Church considers to be a mystical phenomenon.

Why is devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes so strong?

The large number of healing stories and the strong connection between Lourdes and faith mean that this devotion is still alive today. Many people find in Our Lady of Lourdes a spiritual refugeespecially in times of pain and uncertainty caused by illness.

In addition, his message of faith, repentance and love of neighbor remains relevant today, encouraging the faithful to cultivate compassion and trust in divine providence.

Whether through prayer, pilgrimage to the Shrine of Lourdes or simple faith in their intercession, Our Lady of Lourdes remains one of the greatest symbols of hope for the sick and needy.

May his story and his miracles inspire everyone to keep the faith, regardless of the challenges that arise.

See also: The saint of impossible causes: Find out who St. Jude Thaddeus is

February 21, 2025