prayer to be rich

Prayer to be rich

What is true wealth? To have a car of the year, a house with several rooms, a company with a lot of profit at the end of the year, to travel abroad, to always have the best cell phone? Is this material wealth, this prosperity of goods through faith reserved to the evangelical? Should evangelical temples be gold-plated so that their value is recognized? We will deal with these issues in this article, but let's advance an answer to all these questions: no. Material wealth is not a bad thing, but it is not the value of the true evangelical.

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Why does an evangelical woman need to tithe?

Why does an evangelical woman need to tithe?

We will deal with this subject by first bringing the question about what is tithing. It is important that every evangelical and Christian in general knows what the function of giving money to his church is, and that it has much more to do with an act of faith than with a deposit of money with the intention of return.

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read the bible every day

Do I need to read the Bible every day? What does my God say?

The ability to read and write, more than a human ability, should be seen as a kind of gift, an opportunity given by God so that we can absorb the knowledge both from men and from His word, which comes from the biblical texts. We cannot underestimate this ability, nor have prejudice against our sisters and brothers who, as a consequence of a hard life, have not had the opportunity to become literate.

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Women in the Bible What we can learn from them

Women in the Bible: What We Can Learn from Them

There are women in the Bible who teach us a lot. In all, the Bible specifically mentions somewhere between 150 and 200 individual women in its pages. That's a lot of women! And, unfortunately, we know very little about the vast majority of them. Here's what we know about some of the main ones and their teachings.

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