There is nothing better to start the day well than to pray a few minutes in silence, reset the counters, and find your inner breath.

Prayer of the day
Lord, in the silence of this dawn, I come to ask You for peace, wisdom and strength. I want to look at the world today with eyes full of love, to be patient, understanding, kind and wise, to see beyond appearances, to see your children as you see them, and so see only the good in everyone.
Close my ears to all slander, guard my tongue from all malevolence, let only thoughts of blessing dwell in my mind, let me be so kind and joyful, let all who approach me feel your presence, clothe me with your beauty, Lord, and this throughout this day I reveal to you. Amen!
Thought and message of the day
The world can be cruel at times... in personal doses or even on a planetary scale. To inject a little sweetness, we have seen, in recent years, an increase in benevolence. This predisposition to kindness and respect for others involves an openness of heart and mind. Indeed, the Larousse dictionary defines benevolence as a "disposition of mind inclined to understanding, to indulgence toward others."
However, the reality is even more comprehensive. You can be kind to others by caring for them, being considerate and responsive to their needs, using kindness and gentleness, and letting go of judgment. Indeed, our relationships are better, more real, and full of respect. But benevolence involves a personal dimension. You have to be with yourself. The same principles - kindness, respect, forbearance, letting go of criticism, etc. - apply to yourself.
Benevolence: a precious ally
By being more considerate, we become more understanding and open to differences . Everyone can be who they are without feeling offended or hurt. By focusing on understanding and letting go of judgment, we enter into more harmonious relationships. So you have to do your part.
In fact, benevolence requires a will, a desire or a resolution to do good. For oneself and for others! It is a decision that necessarily requires training at the beginning, because we are quite used to falling into judgments, criticisms, interpretations and blame. We must, therefore, learn to be benevolent and think differently.
Be more aware and present to what is happening around you and within you, listen more, don't rush, be considerate, adopt a positive attitude, and value everyone's well-being while respecting their differences. Benevolence can therefore be seen as a life orientation that helps us make choices to maximize happiness. And like many other qualities, this one does not escape the principle that the more you use it, the more you attract it.
With much faith and positivity, she writes for the Oração e Fé daily, bringing messages and Divine teachings to everyone.