
Being more than an overcomer means that, even before a problem arises, you know that, whatever happens, you can overcome it with Christ. You have the assurance that God loves you no matter what, and that he will never leave you or forsake you. And when you have this kind of relationship with Christ, you don't spend your time fearing bad news or the unexpected. If the unexpected happens or if you are the victim of a disappointment, you will not be devastated.

When you are fully aware of your identity in Christ, you know that if Christ dwells in you, nothing will happen to you that you cannot overcome, because nothing is too hard for him! (John 4:4.)

Prayer of the day

"My soul asks you to forgive me, dear God, in this moment of anguish, for all the sins I have committed.

I have failed in my actions and I regret them. On my knees I ask for your forgiveness, dear Lord, I hope that in your infinite mercy, you will forgive me.

Jesus! I ask you with all my heart for your presence in all aspects of life, to be my guide, so that I can be your worthy daughter and act according to your word and teachings.

I ask forgiveness for all the times I have sinned, I ask forgiveness for the times I have failed, consciously or not, give me wisdom to be able to accept it and make it right.

Forgive me for all the times I didn't honor you as you deserved, or let you down. You, with your infinite love and mercy, were able to receive me again with open arms.

I will always strive to honor your word, my beloved God, may your love be my north and my guide today and always, to act in the right way, according to your teachings.


Message and thought of the day

It is important that this truth penetrates your heart and that you see yourself as more than conqueror in Jesus Christ. Otherwise, Satan will manage to destabilize and confuse you and deprive you of victory. All the enemy seeks to do is kill, steal, and destroy what God wants you to have (John 10:10). He wants to diminish you, give you a narrow mind, and make you lead a cheap life.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Whoever confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, repents of his sin and surrenders his heart to God, becomes a child of God and belongs to him. And in Christ we are reconciled to God, we are his righteousness, and we have within us the power of Christ to live righteously.

When we spend time with God in prayer and Bible study, we receive the wisdom and strength we need to make the right choices. It doesn't happen instantly, but each day that we seek God in this way, we will make progress.

I really wish you would realize your identity in Christ as a born-again believer. Then you won't be frustrated or discouraged, facing relentless attacks while trying to survive somehow. God wants to give you better than that!

I encourage you to discover who God really is. Have a deeper understanding of his character and his heart for you. Know that he loves you unconditionally. He is good. He wants to bless you and help you. When we know this truth, we don't need to spend our time doubting and wondering if God cares about us or if he will take care of us.

Whatever your situation is today, God knows it. He sees you and hears the cry of your heart. And if you turn your problems over to Him and do what He tells you, you will benefit from His infinite love, grace, and power and be more than victorious. For as Christ is, so are we in this world!