
A daily prayer brings the message that you need to concentrate on your work. So, calmly read the following prayer, and start your day with the teachings and a Divine message, transforming your routine from words and the power of thought in God.

daily prayer
Image: Pixabay - Reproduction

Prayer of the day

Lord, I offer you this day of work, may your Holy Spirit manifest in me and around me a spirit of Peace and Joy, may He give me Wisdom and Strength, to cast a look of Love on my work, to develop in me patience, understanding, gentleness and availability, to see beyond appearances, Your children, as you yourself see them. 

Lord, close my ears to all slander, guard my tongue from all malevolence. Lord, that all who come to me today may discover your presence. 

Close my ears to all slander, guard my tongue from all malevolence,

Let only thoughts that bless dwell in my mind,

May I be so benevolent and cheerful 

May everyone who comes near me feel your presence.

Clothe me with your goodness, Lord, and that throughout this day, I ask you.


Message and teaching of the day

Paul writes: "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for" (Hebrews 11 :1). Our fathers understood this, and yesterday as today, this faith that moves mountains is indispensable. Jesus said: "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move,' and it will move" (Matt. 17:20). 

The faith of our ancestors conquered their mountains, it is up to us to do the same with ours. In front of us are so many insurmountable peaks that God would like to see us move. However, when we doubt, when we trust the opinion of others, when we don't understand God's Word, our faith is affected and God's work is frustrated. 

Although Jesus had given them power, his disciples were unable to heal the sick, including one demon-possessed boy, to the point that they asked themselves, "Why can't we cast out this demon?" (Matt. 17.19). 

Jesus answers them in three steps. 

1) Start small. A small mustard seed can grow a lot! Put your trust in God for the everyday things, and when he honors that faith, thank him and build on that foundation. 

2) Watch your words. They release the power of God's Word, and therefore must align with the Bible. You must proclaim your faith, and the mountains will disappear!

3) Obey. Some peaks are stubborn and require more prayer. For the possessed boy, it even required fasting! So when we bow to God's Word, nothing can resist us!

"The Holy Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness, because we do not know how to pray well. The Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexplicable groanings. And God, who searches the hearts, knows the intentions of the Spirit, because it is according to God that the Spirit intercedes for the faithful" (Romans 8:26-27).