
A prayer to start the day well is performed daily by many believers throughout Brazil and the world. Just like any prayer, these prayers help people talk to God and raise their spirituality. Check them out below. 

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Prayer to start the day well

A prayer to start the day well should be performed by all people who want to practice respect and achieve blessings through faith in the Holy Spirit. As with any prayer, these prayers are essential for increasing spirituality and divine faith. 

Through prayers, the faithful talk to God, and there is nothing better than starting the day through the divine gift. These prayers serve to give thanks and pray for blessings in life. Furthermore, by praying people improve their mood and get rid of any negative thoughts. 

There are several powerful prayers for those who want to start the day well and achieve a high level of spirituality. It is important to pray these prayers daily, especially to follow a day of harmony and full of blessings. 

Finally, people need to make a habit of praying when they wake up, as this significantly improves the spiritual life and can heal souls. These prayers are a time of self-care and preparation for another day. Check them out below:

Morning Prayer

"Lord, I ask in the silence of the morning for peace, wisdom, and strength in my life. I want to look at the world around me with eyes full of love. May I be patient, understanding, prudent, and gentle with others. 

Please, Jesus Christ, may I be able to see beyond appearances. I ask that you close my ears to all slander, guard my tongue from all malice, and that only blessings fill my spirit. 

Allow me to be kind and joyful on another day of life, Lord. May everyone who comes to me feel Your presence. I ask that You clothe me with all Your grace, and that during the day I do not offend You with my attitudes. May it be so, 


Powerful Prayer

"Merciful Father, at the beginning of this day I come to ask You for health, wisdom, peace, and strength in another day of life. Please, Lord, may I be able to see the world with Your eyes and love. 

May I be merciful, understanding, gentle and prudent in all my actions. Please, Almighty God, search me with Your beauty and may I, during this day, be able to reveal Your power to all. So be it, 


Daylight Prayer

"Lord, on this day of light, prepare me for another day of life. I ask that You give me strength on this day so that I can have Your strength in a world filled with temptations. Merciful Father, You know the battles I will face today, so I pray that You will be with me through them. 

In moments of weakness, please carry me. If I fall into any temptation, forgive me. Keep me from all the evil in the world, Father. I need Your strength to face these evils. 

When I triumph, God, I will praise you with all my being. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am and I wouldn't have the strength to face the evils of the world. 

Almighty Lord, You are my strength and protection. I pray that You keep me and my loved ones blessed, especially those who face traffic every morning. May it be so, 


Prayer to go to work

"Merciful Father, I thank You for another day of life. Thank You for Your compassion, which is renewed every morning. Great is Your happiness and Your faithfulness. I do not know what will happen in my life today, but I pray that You will show me the way to go. 

I ask that You fill me with all Your glory, Holy Spirit. Provide the energy I need during my work, because You know how tired my bones are. Please awaken me with Your wonder and salvation. 

Lord, my mind is filled with many creative ideas, but they are confused. I ask that the Holy Spirit hover over my life and mind. Please help me to stop struggling because I know that You will grant me what I need for my work today. 

I know that You will be faithful so that I can complete my work day today. As I enter another day, I declare Your sovereignty in every area of my life. This is Your day and my body is Yours. So be it, 


How to pray

People can pray more than one quoted prayer to start the day in harmony and in a blessed way. 

But besides asking for your blessings, it is essential to give thanks for all your glories. Remember to say the prayer with all your strength and divine faith. 

See also: Prayer to start the day: Keep your mind on God