
Morning prayer is one of the most meaningful times for religious people to express gratitude for their health and ask for protection at the start of the new day. With focus and the presence of the Trinity, what is done in the morning can have a significant impact and help strengthen the mind and body. Prayer has the power to offer all that is asked for if we have faith. To help you in these moments of connecting with religion, we have brought some prayers that will help you connect and practice faith even more. See below.

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Prayer for every morning

"On this new day that begins, I come to ask for health, peace, strength and wisdom, Lord. Today, I want to look with more love, be more patient, understanding, manly and wise. Please remind me of your infinite goodness and intercede for today. Amen."

Morning prayer to be done before work

"Dear God, thank you for the new day. Thank you for the daily renewal of your love. Oh, Lord, how great are your loyalty and steadfast love! I am not sure what will happen today or how much I will do, but you act. Therefore, I give you today all my love. Father, join me and make me an instrument of your infinite goodness. Energize me for the work you are doing, for you know how tired I am.

Please show me the way of salvation and awaken my ways to follow in your footsteps. Lord, I have many creative ideas, but they are all clouded. Come, Holy Spirit, and place your hands on my conscious as you did on the waters during creation and speak peace over the chaos. Help me to persist in the way of the Lord and have faith that you will give me everything I need now to complete the process you have given me to complete. As this new day begins, may you show me the way forward and give me the strength to complete the good work you have started. I have faith in you, so I ask that you use your love as you use me. You are in charge of this new work day. Everything I have before it is mine is yours, my life belongs to the Lord God, amen."

Prayer to be said every morning

"I come to ask for peace, wisdom and strength in the stillness of this coming day, Lord. I wish to look at the world with loving eyes today, being thoughtful, patient, cautious, and manly. To see your children as you see them, despite their outer human characteristics, and to avoid seeing anything but the good in each of them. I am closing my eyes to the whole world. Defend my tongue against any evil. My spirit is only suffused with blessings. I pray that everyone who comes near me can feel your presence because you are so kind and happy. Remind me of your kindness, sir, and promise that I will not offend you after today and make sure that everyone knows who you are. Make this day a day guided by your hands, amen."

Prayer to be done during tomorrow (quick)

"You adorn all things with your presence, Almighty God. Keep me close to your love and your ways. Make sure we are able to remember you in all our actions and ways, and may you always grant us the grace to know and understand what you would like us to accomplish and motivate us to do so. Amen."

Prayer to start the day well and not forget God

"Gracious God, At the beginning of a new day, you give me strength. I ask that you renew my heart with your power and purpose as the world is renewed. Forgive me for my mistakes of yesterday and encourage me to follow you more closely today. Today is the first day of my new life; shine through me so that everyone I meet can feel your presence in me. Hold my hand, dear Lord, for I am unable to do this alone. Amen"

Why we should pray in the morning

It is crucial and necessary to pray throughout our day for the blessings to be realized and our day to be blessed. As said before, we always receive what we ask for. Therefore, to pray with a purpose for the day that is beginning is to ask. 

In addition, praying in the morning should be a time of thanksgiving: gratitude for another day, another chance, and another memorable night. We are also making a gesture of love, care and respect towards the father when we first think of God and talk to him in the morning.

As a result, when you pray, thank God, ask for His blessing to overcome life's challenges with His help, and express your love for God by thanking Him for your health, your family, and your accomplishments. As always, God will hear you, respond to your needs, and love you as He always has, you just have to have faith and believe in your prayer.

See also: Prayer to start the day well: The power of thanking God

February 18, 2023