4 care needed for faith growthThe Christian life begins with the new birth and just like babies, the new believer has vital needs and stages of growth...
Happiness: more than a state of mindWe have learned that having joy is the purpose of our existence. So why does happiness sometimes seem so indescribable? Maybe it is...
What can we learn from Solomon's life?A biblical and Koranic character, the subject of many movies, Solomon, son of David, intrigues by his trajectory: deeply wise, rich...
Elizabeth II, a queen who put her trust in GodQueen Elizabeth II, the monarch with the longest reign in British history, has died at the age of 96. Throughout this reign without...
Is everything that happens decided in advance by God?This question is very complex. We will start by examining what the Bible does not say. Destiny is generally perceived as a sequence...
What does "evangelize" mean?In a few millennia, man has incredibly transformed his environment. However, his heart and his needs have remained the same...
Does forgiving mean forgetting?There are wounds that we cannot forget. In certain tragic cases, the road to healing seems to walk more through consciousness...
Do we have the right to be happy when others are suffering?The breath of God within us is an immense joy. As we are happy, we walk according to God. The breath of God inside...
If we believe in eternal life, why worry about the fate of the planet?In the Gospel, we discover a hope, that of the life of eternity. With this, the Bible indicates that there is a beyond earthly life...
Seeking God - How can I find Him?"God, where are you? I need you. I want You. How can I find You?" Is this the earnest cry of your heart?